Transforming Lives through Education

The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) is a U.S. Department of Education funded TRIO program housed in the Access Center. The EOC is dedicated to helping adults re-engage with their education. We provide eligible individuals in Adams, Larimer and Weld counties with an exceptional level of free services, support, and assistance that will prepare them to enroll in, and complete a program of study, at any school, college or university that will best meet their needs and achieve their educational and career goals.

The EOC Effect

Participants Served


since 1983 

Participant College Enrollment

  • two-year public %
  • four-year public %

What We Can Do For You

We are here to help you make your next move. To help you take that next step on your path to achieving your dreams. It may be you are looking to change careers, learn a new trade, advance at your current job, or obtain or finish your high school diploma or college degree. Whatever your dream may be, we are here to help you to:

Explore Possibilities– Conduct academic/career assessments and together we can explore your options for the best educational and/or career training program for you.

Seek Opportunities– Assist you with the college planning, admissions and financial aid application processes, and help you conduct a search for additional aid and scholarships to fund your education.

Achieve Success– Prepare your customized “EOC Playbook for Success.” Your Playbook will contain all of the identified services, resources, and skills “training” required to achieve your goals.

It’s important for you to know that you are not alone on this journey. We are here to help you navigate through the many challenges. We will “coach” you through your Playbook; keeping you motivated and focused on your goals. And, we will be there to celebrate each milestone you achieve along the way.

Who We Serve

We provide free services to qualified adults who are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents without a four-year college degree. Our participants are primarily:

  • First-generation
  • Age 19 or Older with limited incomes and/or
  • Veterans and Military-connected family members
  • Unaccompanied, Homeless or Foster Care Youth

Participant Testimonial

Elana’s Milestone Achievement

Elana, a married mother in her 20s with 4 children, became an EOC participant while enrolled in a GED program. Elana wanted to complete her GED and pursue a college degree but did not always have the full support from her family. They felt she needed to stay home and watch her children, or find a job. Jan, her EOC advisor, encouraged Elana to pursue her dream of a college degree. Together they developed a career and academic plan. After completing her GED, Elana set her sights on enrolling at Front Range Community College with the goal of transferring to Colorado State University. She received assistance with the college admission and financial aid process and was connected to the right resources so that she could be a successful college student. It was not an easy path. Elana faced a number of challenges along the way. While enrolled, she had another child, became a care-giver to her father-in-law, and was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. Elana had many personal and medical struggles, yet she remained focused and determined.

Elana graduated from CSU with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and is fully employed. In her own words, “I am a product of the Educational Opportunity Center and I know I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for the guidance and mentoring of my EOC counselor.

Elana’s story shows how education can empower and change lives. It can make all the difference. It is why we do what we do at the EOC.

Why We Do It

We are passionate about the work we do for YOU. We believe that education is fundamental to improving the quality of the lives of our participants. We know that education empowers and we believe it can transform your life and make a difference. The benefits for you are many over your lifetime as it affords economic and financial mobility and will increase your earning potential and job satisfaction.

Participant Testimonial

Elana’s Milestone Achievement

Elana, a married mother in her 20s with 4 children, became an EOC participant while enrolled in a GED program. Elana wanted to complete her GED and pursue a college degree but did not always have the full support from her family. They felt she needed to stay home and watch her children, or find a job. Jan, her EOC advisor, encouraged Elana to pursue her dream of a college degree. Together they developed a career and academic plan. After completing her GED, Elana set her sights on enrolling at Front Range Community College with the goal of transferring to Colorado State University. She received assistance with the college admission and financial aid process and was connected to the right resources so that she could be a successful college student. It was not an easy path. Elana faced a number of challenges along the way. While enrolled, she had another child, became a care-giver to her father-in-law, and was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. Elana had many personal and medical struggles, yet she remained focused and determined.

Elana graduated from CSU with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and is fully employed. In her own words, “I am a product of the Educational Opportunity Center and I know I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for the guidance and mentoring of my EOC counselor.

Elana’s story shows how education can empower and change lives. It can make all the difference. It is why we do what we do at the EOC.